IPL Max 2700W Model 2025

Sale price$5,900.00 USD



Model 2022, OPT(SHR) is with new AFT technology (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) uses low and equal energy. The special filter cut s 9501200nm wavelength, which is useless in treatment and absorbs water to make patient feel painless.

SHR stands for Super Hair Removal, a technology for permanent hair removal which is having a sweeping success. The system combines laser technology and the benefits of the pulsating light method achieving practically painless results. Even hairs which until now have been difficult or even impossible to be removed, can now be treated. “In Motion” represents a breakthrough in permanent hair removal with light technology. The treatment is more pleasant than with the conventional systems and your skin is better protected.


  1. Hair Removal : Remove unwanted hair from any part of the body.
  2. Skin Rejuvenation : Removal or reduction of age spots, visible blood vessels, diffuse uneven pigmentation while improving skin texture.
  3. Vascular Removal : Removal or reduction of facial thread veins.
  4. Pigmented Lesions : Removal or reduction of freckles, age spots and other pigmented lesions.
  5. Acne Clearance : Reduction of inflammatory acne when used in combination with a topical cream or gel.

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